On Wednesday, March 3, Monika Falej, MP from the Polish leftist coalition Lewica called for a ban on the fascist organization National Radical Camp (ONR). The Lewica MP said that ONR is an organization rooted in fascist traditions which propagates white supremacy, ultra-nationalism and anti-Semitism. The MPs from the Polish left have officially submitted an application to the Prosecutor General and the Minister of Justice demanding a ban on ONR.
ONR is one of the key organizers of the annual Independence March in Warsaw and has also been involved in attacks on LGBT pride rallies, as well as attacks on the police. ONR uses many racist symbols in its demonstrations and its flag carries the Celtic cross -a symbol that has been appropriated by neo-nazi groups. According to reports, the United Nations Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination has categorized ONR as a fascist group.
The organization was formed in 1993 and claims to be the successor of the pre-World War II National Radical Camp, which was an ultranationalist, and anti-Semitic political movement. Last month, while closing a four-year long lawsuit against the ONR, the Polish Supreme Court ruled that it can be described as fascist. Strajk.eu portal has reported that the Lewica MPs have cited this ruling from the Supreme Court in their demand to ban the fascist group. According to Article 13 of the Poland’s Constitution, promotion of fascist ideas and activities of fascist organizations are prohibited in the country. The organization or those associated with it can also be subjected to a fine, restriction of liberty and imprisonment for up to two years, according to Article 256 (1) of the Criminal Code.
Monika Falej said, “For 28 years, an organization has been operating in Poland that promotes content that is prohibited in our country. We have our experiences with fascism in Poland, and the competent authorities should deal with this matter immediately, in order to prevent the promotion of things that would seem impossible in our country.”
Ultra-nationalist, homophobic, anti-semitic and neo-nazi groups have gained much traction in the country in recent times with the overt and covert support of the incumbent conservative Law and Justice (PiS)-led government. Meanwhile, the PiS led bureaucracy itself has been trying to use constitutional provisions against totalitarianism to ban the communist party and communist publications in Poland.