Amanda Yee
Tres lecciones que aprendí en mi visita a Cuba

La revolución cubana ofrece lecciones clave sobre cómo organizar la sociedad de forma que favorezca a la mayoría y no a una élite reducida.

Three lessons I learned on my visit to Cuba

The Cuban revolution offers key lessons for progressive people in the United States about how to organize society in a way that favors the majority, and not an elite few

Israel asesina a periodistas en Gaza

Como parte de su ataque genocida contra Gaza, Israel está asesinando a trabajadores de los medios de comunicación a un ritmo sin precedentes, aparentemente para impedir que el mundo vea las atrocidades incalificables que lleva a cabo.

Israel is assassinating journalists in Gaza

As part of its genocidal onslaught on Gaza, Israel is killing media workers at an unprecedented rate, seemingly to prevent the world from seeing the unspeakable atrocities it carries out.

Biden backs out on campaign promise, announces expansion of US-Mexico border wall

The US president will waive 26 federal laws to facilitate the construction of 20 additional miles of the border wall, angering environmental, immigration, and Indigenous rights activists.

Kenyan political leaders decry UN authorization of military intervention in Haiti

A UN Security Council vote authorized the deployment of 1,000 Kenyan police officers to Haiti, a move seen by some Kenyans as a violation of sovereignty and part of the United States’ neo-colonial agenda.

The Korean War continues with Biden’s renewal of travel ban to North Korea

The draconian travel ban prevents as many as 100,000 Koreans in the United States from visiting family members in North Korea. It is another weapon of war, part of the broader US strategy to further isolate North Korea and inflame tensions between both halves of the peninsula

TikTok on trial: The latest front in the US tech war on China

Make no mistake: the TikTok hearings had nothing to do with the baseless threat of Chinese surveillance and everything to do with maintaining the dominance of US capitalism.

All charges dropped against wrongfully convicted youth Prakash Churaman

After years of fighting the incarceration system, Prakash alongside family, friends, and activists celebrated freedom after all charges against him were dropped by prosecutors