In elections held in 11 counties and 356 municipalities in Norway on September 9, left-wing and progressive parties, including the Red party (Rodt), the Socialist Left Party (SV) and the Green party, significantly increased their vote share. The Centrist Party also saw a 5% increase in its vote share. The Labour Party and the Conservatives emerged as the major forces but lost 8.2% and 3.1% of their vote share respectively, compared to the 2015 elections.
The Red Party , formed in March 2007, through a merger of the Workers’ Communist Party and the Red Electoral Alliance, secured more than 100,000 votes and increased its vote share from 2% to 3.8%. The Socialist Left Party increased its vote share from 4.2 % to 6.1% while the Greens’ share increased from 4.3% to 6.8%
The Perspective Communiste reported that the Red party’s most significant results were in the county of Oslo where it got 7.2% of the vote and Nordland (5.5%). In the municipal elections, it performed strongly in the cities of Alstahaug (17.9%), Dønna (16.8%), Høyanger (12.5%), Kragerø (12.5%), Nesodden (11%) and Risor (10%).
The Socialist Left (SV) achieved its best results in Troms and Finnmark (10.8%) and in the county of the Oslo (9.1%). In the municipal elections, SV performed well in Nordkapp (37%), Gamvik (32.6%), Tolga (31.6%), Rauma (23.2%), Berlevåg (22, 2%), Flatanger (18.8%), Vaksdal (18.2%) etc.
Responding to the electoral victory, Red Party leader Bjørnar Moxnes said, “This is a victory for all of us who want a Norway where everyone can walk with their heads raised, where those affected by illness and unemployment meet with care and dignity, not suspicion and mistrust. The result is important in the fight against social dumping, for more solidarity municipalities and for profit-free welfare. Red’s progress is important for anyone who wants a fair environmental policy.”
Currently, Norway is ruled by a coalition government led by Erna Solberg, comprising the Conservative Party, the Progress Party, the Liberal Party and the Christian Democratic Party. All these parties have suffered significant losses in local body polls, revealing their declining popularity.