China has announced it is going to sanction major US weapons corporations over the multi-billion dollar arms deals being made with the de facto government based in Taiwan. In a press statement released on Tuesday, October 27 by the Chinese foreign ministry the government said it has decided to sanction Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and Space & Security, along with “US individuals and entities who acted egregiously played a role” in the arms deals.
In the statement, foreign ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian, said that recent arms deals undermine Chinese sovereignty and national interests. Zhao condemned the deal and called on the US government to stop arms deals with the disputed government in Taiwan.
“The US arms sales to Taiwan severely violate the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiques, and seriously undermine China’s sovereignty and security interests. China firmly opposes and strongly condemns it,” Zhao said. He added that China “will continue taking necessary measures to safeguard national sovereignty and security interests.”
Last week, two weapons package deals were announced by the US with Taiwan. There have been nine such arms deals made between under the Trump administration. Among the deals signed last week included a USD 2.4 billion package of over a 100 anti-ship missile systems and 400 land-based missiles, and another package of USD 1.8 billion that included 66 F-16 fighter jets, sensors, missiles and artillery.
The details of the proposed sanctions have not been divulged as of now, but can possibly include aides in the Donald Trump administration, which has been pushing for greater military cooperation with Taiwan.
The government in Taiwan claims continuity as a rump state of the erstwhile Republic of China that was deposed after the communist revolution of 1949. The Taiwanese government holds very little international recognition and China’s emphasis on its one-China policy has been respected by a vast majority of countries and international bodies. Recently, under the administration of Tsai Ing-Wen, Taiwan has increasingly taken a pro-US policy and even encouraged calls to be treated as a separate country, which China deems to be an attempt at secession.