US and UK bombs have killed 55 Yemenis in five months

The leader of Ansar Allah, Sayyed Abdul Malik al-Houthi, reiterated that such attacks will not stop Yemenis from opposing the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza by the Israeli forces and West’s continued complicity

June 10, 2024 by Peoples Dispatch
Sayyed Abdul Malik al-Houthi giving his weekly address.

The US and British have carried out over 487 operations against Yemen in the last five months. Their airstrikes and naval bombardments have killed over 55 Yemenis and wounded nearly 78 others so far in the war torn country, the leader of Ansar Allah, Sayyed Abdul Malik al-Houthi, said in his weekly address on Thursday, June 6.

The US and the UK began launching joint airstrikes in Yemen in January in what they called a retaliation to Ansar Allah attacking ships bound to Israel through the Red Sea and Bab al-Mandab region in opposition to its war on Palestinians in Gaza.

Such attacks will not make Yemenis back down from supporting Gaza, claimed the Yemeni leader in his address. He reiterated that, “regardless of the level of American and British escalation in our country” it will not affect Yemen’s “principles and faithful stance” in support of the Palestinian resistance in Gaza.

Ansar Allah and Yemen’s armed forces have launched hundreds of attacks on the ships going to Israel or belonging to its allies such as the US and the UK in the Red and Arabian Sea forcing a large number of them to take a longer route through the Cape of the Good Hope to reach Israel. Yemen has claimed that the attacks will only stop when there is a ceasefire in Gaza.

Al-Houthi also announced that Yemen has targeted the US carrier strike group USS Dwight D. Eisenhower in the Red Sea twice last week forcing it to change its course and move further away from the Yemeni border. Al-Houthi also warned that “the aircraft carrier Eisenhower will remain among the targets of our forces whenever the chance arises” in future.

The US has deployed the aircraft carrier in the region and increased the presence of its forces with the intention of deterring the Yemen attacks on their ships. However, it has failed to achieve its targets so far despite carrying out regular bombings inside Yemen.

Joint operations with Axis of resistance

Sayyed al-Houthi claimed that Ansar Allah has started collaborating with other resistance forces in the region, commonly known as the Axis of Resistance, in joint actions against the Zionist entity. He praised Hezbollah’s persistent attacks against Israel as well.

Al-Houthi claimed that “Our armed forces inaugurated the first joint operations with the Islamic Resistance in Iraq by conducting a crucial operation in the direction of Haifa port” on Wednesday morning.

Yemeni armed forces and Iraqi resistance confirmed later that they jointly carried out three attacks on the ships in the Red Sea. They claimed that the ships were carrying weapons to Israel’s Haifa port.

Al-Houthi praised the continued Palestinian resistance to Israeli aggression which has killed over 36,600 people so far and wounded over 83,000 others and criticized US support to Israeli genocide of Palestinian people.

Al-Houthi also warned the countries in the region to not interfere in the operations against the US and its allies or help them in any way. “Any steps against our people will be considered an aggression to serve the Israeli enemy and will be met with a reaction” he warned them.

Al-Houthi also alleged that apart from carrying out bombardments inside Yemen, the US is also trying to wage a war on the economic front against Yemen. Al-Houthi warned the regional countries to not become a party of any such tactics against Yemeni people.

Saudi Arabia has imposed a blockade on Yemen since the beginning of the war against the country in 2015. The war and the blockade have already caused suffering for millions of Yemenis in the form of lack of adequate food and medicines. Though Saudi Arabia’s armed attacks against Yemen have reduced significantly since last year, it so far has refused to formally lift the blockade.