Women leading justice movements worldwide recognize more and more Israel’s involvement in systems that oppress them. They increasingly see the Palestinian call for a military embargo on Israel as not just a demand by Palestinians, but also as linked to their own liberation and justice struggles.

This video is part of the effort by Palestinian BDS National Committee to bring together the campaign for a military embargo against Israel with various struggles against militarism and state repression in the global south.

The Palestinian Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement for freedom, justice and equality continued to grow in scale and impact in 2019

BDS is a grassroots movement, and is made powerful by ordinary people like us, standing in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle in extraordinary ways.

Since 2005, the Palestinian-led global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement has paved the way for grassroots mobilization in this direction.

Just as artistes refused to play for apartheid South Africa, they must also not lend their voice to Israel’s apartheid, occupation and settler-colonialism.

Here’s a short-list of moments in 2018 demonstrating growing recognition of Israel’s crimes against the Palestinian people and inspiring efforts around the world to hold Israel accountable for its gross violations of human rights.