The Mapuche community demands protection for political prisoners in the prisons of the Araucanía region of Chile after being exposed to the risk of COVID-19 due to lack of necessary care
Today, women, transgender, travestis, gender dissidents across Argentina are holding a strike in response to the acquittal of the two men who were accused of raping, torturing and killing 16 year old Lucía Perez two years ago
According to the new law that will be discussed in parliament on November 22, seed corporations such as Bayer-Monsanto and Syngenta would be authorized to collect royalties from the farmers even when the re-plant seeds from the previous harvest
In the aftermath of one of the biggest feminist mobilizations in history for the access to safe abortion in Argentina, Celeste Mac Dougall of the campaign reflects on the way ahead
Migrants seek to return after suffering from xenophobia, economic insecurity and social vulnerability in various Latin American countries
On August 8, the Argentine Senate will define whether the long-sought for bill for Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy will be passed.