Marco Fernandes
Can BRICS lead a wave of assertion from Global South?

At its historic summit in South Africa, BRICS has an opportunity to give voice to the demands of the Global South. In order to do so, it must realize its potential as a global forum that provides alternatives for development and growth

La gran oportunidad bancaria de una nueva líder para mejorar el desarrollo mundial

¿Podrán el Nuevo Banco de Desarrollo y el Acuerdo de Reservas Contingentes cumplir su misión original con la llegada de la nueva presidenta del banco, Dilma Rousseff?

A new leader’s big banking opportunity to improve global development

Will the New Development Bank and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement be able to fulfill their original mission with the arrival of the new bank president Dilma Rousseff?

El alto precio de la relación entre Guatemala y Taiwan

Tsai, la líder de Taiwan, lucha por mantener el escaso apoyo diplomático con el que aún cuenta en la región.

The high price of the Guatemala-Taiwan relationship

Taiwanese leader Tsai Ing-wen is struggling to maintain what little diplomatic support she still has in Latin America

Could China help Brazil to overcome its economic crisis?

The economic partnership between Brazil and China, which has advanced greatly in the last two decades, may be one of the keys to reversing the crisis that Brazil faces. But some challenges will need to be faced with diplomacy and strategic planning

Why Latin America needs a new world order

Latin America does not want a new cold war. The region has already suffered from decades of military rule and austerity. Latin America wants peace.

Washington watches as China and Latin America deepen their ties

Foreign policy experts in the US have alerted to the growing economic relationship between Latin America and China, a trend only expected to increase in the coming period