A new report by the New York Times shows how the Narendra Modi government completely disregarded scientific evidence to further its immediate political interests during the first and second waves of COVID-19
The recent regulatory clearance given to an indigenous developed vaccine candidate in India is an example of vaccine nationalism at its worst and jettisoning of all the principles of an evidence-based, scientific approach
Professor Satyajit Rath talks about how under right-wing governments, the focus has shifted from science that empowers people to marketable science.
Amit Sengupta, a medical graduate from the Maulana Azad Medical College in Delhi, played a leading role in many progressive movements, the most significant of which was the Peoples Science Movement (PSM) in India and the global Health Movement.
Amid the global health and economic crisis perpetrated by the neoliberal economic model, Dr. Amit – in the words of Bertolt Brecht – reminds us that in the dark times, there will be singing, about the dark times.
Today, the democratic movement in India has lost an extremely committed voice.