Understanding the latest US restrictions on chip exports to China

The latest measures aim to limit China’s AI technological development; though specialists think it will have a limited impact

Access, equity and solidarity: the foundations of Cuba's health system Access, equity and solidarity: the foundations of Cuba’s health system

Ileana Morales from the Cuban Ministry of Public Health talks about the how the country is resisting the US blockade and the secret of the country’s renowned medical system

El miedo a la IA es exagerado, y he aquí por qué

Los modelos de IA no tienen ningún nivel de comprensión similar al humano, pero son geniales para engañar a la gente haciéndoles creer que son inteligentes repitiendo como loros el vasto corpus de texto que han ingerido.

The fear of AI is overblown—and here’s why

AI Models do not have any level of human-like understanding but are great at fooling people into believing they are intelligent by parroting the vast trove of text they have ingested.

ChatGPT The chatbot that is dangerously good

ChatGPT has generated a great deal of excitement as well as fears of redundancy of certain professions. However, it is vital to look at who is funding and developing this technology, who it will benefit, and who will get left out