Asediados y bombardeados en medio de la hambruna, cientos de miles de desplazados internos luchan por sobrevivir en Darfur

Mientras la guerra entre las fuerzas de seguridad de Sudán continúa en su vigesimoprimer mes, las bajas aumentan en El Fasher, la capital asediada de Darfur del Norte, que ha quedado aislada de la ayuda alimentaria en medio de una hambruna que se extiende mientras los mercados locales son bombardeados.

Besieged and bombed amid famine, hundreds of thousands of IDPs struggle to survive in Darfur

As the war between Sudan’s security forces continues into its 21st month, casualties mount in North Darfur’s besieged capital El Fasher, which has been cut off from food aid amid spreading famine while local markets are being bombed.

Sudanese Communist Party newspaper’s editor abducted by paramilitary RSF

The Rapid Support Forces (RSF), which has been at war with Sudan’s army since April 15, 2023, broke into the family home of Haitham Dafallah, the chief editor of Al-Maydan newspaper, and abducted him along with his brother, on January 19.

Ethnic cleansing of West Darfur’s El Geneina culminates in largest massacre since onset of war in Sudan

At least 1,335 Internally Displaced Persons are estimated to have been killed in an attack on a camp near El Geneina. With this attack, all the people displaced during the civil war in Darfur in the 2000s, who are witnesses to the crimes committed then, been driven out of the capital of the West Darfur State by the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces

Sudan’s warring parties continue bombardment as thousands of corpses rot on the streets and over 20 million face hunger 

Thousands have been killed and over four million displaced by the war between Sudan’s military and paramilitary that is set to enter its fifth month with no signs of respite. Only 18 of the country’s 89 main hospitals are functioning, that too only at partial capacity

Sudanese left skeptical of US-Saudi led peace talks, “The resolution has to be found here in Sudan”

The Sudanese Communist Party argues that the ceasefire mainly serves for the warring parties resupply their forces and resume fighting with greater intensity

Sudan violence Over 800 civilians killed as fighting between Sudan’s army and paramilitary RSF enters second month

The so-called Jeddah Declaration, in which the warring parties committed to protecting civilians on May 12, has only remained on paper as fighting intensifies in the states of Khartoum and West Darfur, claiming hundreds of more lives

Fighting between Sudanese army and RSF has disastrous impact in Darfur as hundreds of thousands are displaced

While the national capital Khartoum has seen the most intense battles between the army and the paramilitary RSF, most of the internal displacements are occurring in Darfur due to escalating armed conflict between militias. The region already has most of Sudan’s 3.7 million Internally Displaced Persons

Tras años atacando a manifestantes, el ejército sudanés y los paramilitares de las FAR se enfrentan entre sí

Los enfrentamientos son los últimos de una serie de convulsiones políticas desde que las masivas protestas prodemocráticas derrocaron al dictador Omar al-Bashir en abril de 2019.

After years of attacking protesters, Sudan’s army and paramilitary RSF turn on each other

The fighting is the latest in a series of political convulsions since massive pro-democracy protests overthrew long-time dictator Omar al-Bashir in April 2019

More than 180 killed and over 1,800 injured as Sudan’s security forces continue infighting in civilian areas

Civilians have been forced to hole up in their homes for days with no supply of water or electricity, as the fighting rages on with increasingly heavier weapons

El vicepresidente de la junta sudanesa intensifica la retórica contra las víctimas de la violencia en Darfur

En las dos últimas semanas, más de 16.000 personas se han visto desplazadas en una nueva ronda de violentos ataques en Darfur en los que paramilitares, Fuerzas de Apoyo Rápido, han desempeñado supuestamente un papel clave. Ahora su jefe y segundo al mando de la junta sudanesa, el general Hemeti, ha amenazado con desmantelar los campos de refugiados