Doomsday clock
US abandons Open Skies for new age space weapons

The US walking out of the Open Skies Agreement is a clear signal that it seeks global dominance. As other countries are unlikely to surrender, we are back to hair-trigger nuclear alerts and the Doomsday Clock inching towards midnight

Earth Day: thousands of scientists are waving red flags

In dealing with life after COVID-19, potentially fatal challenges to the ecosystem must not be forgotten. It is time to look at far-reaching reforms in international governance systems and, linked to this, also governance reforms at other levels.

US withdrawal from INF treaty marks a dangerous move towards nuclear escalation

The US has cited Russian violations of the treaty as the reason for their withdrawal. This is despite Russia offering to open up its weapons systems for US inspection. The treaty requires a six-month notice period following which the country no longer has to abide by the treaty

73 Years Since Hiroshima: The Threat of a Nuclear Holocaust Still Haunts Us

Where is Trump’s ‘my nuclear button bigger than yours’ rhetoric taking the world to? And Has nuclear proliferation treaty helped in moving towards disarmament?