Environmental contamination
Migrant delivery workers strike for fair pay and conditions in Dubai and other stories

Today we look at a strike by food delivery workers in Dubai, the conviction and sentencing of an Indigenous land defender in Canada, and more

Crackdown in El Salvador, toxic contamination at US base in Seoul and other stories

Today we look at the state of emergency in El Salvador after a surge in killings, soil and water contamination at a US base in South Korea, and more

Line 3 ruptures cause 300 million gallons of groundwater to overflow and other stories

Today we look at major ruptures caused during the construction of the Enbridge pipeline in the US, discriminatory treatment of refugees in Europe, and more

Peruvian fishermen protest agreement with Repsol on oil spill

Fishermen are dissatisfied with the agreement signed between the national government and the Repsol company on an initial compensation of 3,000 soles to affected fishermen and fish merchants. They say that they lose more than 5,000 soles a month due to the disastrous oil spill

US to close Red Hill facility that poisoned Hawaii’s water supply and other stories

Today we look at a missile attack by Israeli on Syria, the Pentagon’s decision to shut down the Red Hill tank farm in Hawai’i, and more

Honduran Supreme Court dismisses case against Guapinol activists and other stories

Today we look at the acquittal of 6 Guapinol water protectors in Honduras, a drastic rise in civilian casualties in Yemen, and more

Student leader released on bail in Swaziland, persecution of Egyptian lawyer and other stories

Today we look at the release of a student leader in Swaziland, the persecution of a human rights lawyer in Egypt, and more

UN Security Council holds session on Ukraine, Poland pledges arms and other stories

Today we look at the UN Security Council special session on Ukraine, a major oil spill spreading to Ecuador’s Amazon region, and more

Tsunami causes ‘unprecedented disaster’ in Tonga, oil spill in Peru and other stories

Today we look at a major oil on Peru’s coast, the death of a Tunisian protestor injured in a violent police crackdown, and more

South African court halts Shell’s oil exploration, seismic blasting and other stories

Today we look at an interdict order against Shell’s seismic surveys in South Africa, the months-long hunger strike by Palestinian prisoner Hisham Abu Hawash, and more

Pegasus report: new evidence of Saudi interference in Yemen war probe and other stories

Today we look at the targeting of a UN investigator with the Pegasus spyware, the sentencing of 3 Egyptian activists to prison, and more

Petroleum in Hawaii’s water after another leak at US Navy tank farm and other stories

Today we look at a fuel leak from a US Navy tank farm into Hawai’i’s water, the war in Ethiopia as federal forces retake strategic towns, and more