Geert Wilders
¿Avanza la extrema derecha? Entendiendo las elecciones europeas de 2024

Las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo del mes pasado no significaron el avance definitivo de la extrema derecha como algunos podían temer. Sin embargo, están ganando influencia, sobre todo porque las líneas que las separan de las fuerzas del centro político se están difuminando. En consecuencia, habrá que mirar hacia la izquierda para frenar su auge.

Leftists step up protests over Dutch backing of Israeli war on Gaza

Leftist groups have accused the caretaker government of Mark Rutte of duplicity as talk of complying with international laws and human rights is accompanied by the backing of imperialist wars, including Israel’s brutal attack on Gaza

Dutch conservatives cede ground to far-right, Left challenged to fight back

As right-wing parties are set for a long drawn negotiation to form a coalition, widespread racism in the Netherlands is set to be bolstered by the election results

The Netherlands’ turn to the radical right

The PVV party of far-right politician Geert Wilders’ clinched a historic victory in parliamentary elections and may form government