Las movilizaciones contra los daños causados por la clordecona cobran fuerza en Martinica y Guadalupe

Los habitantes de Martinica y Guadalupe llevan décadas enfrentándose a las consecuencias del envenenamiento por clordecona. Una nueva iniciativa ha anunciado que está dispuesta a llevar adelante la lucha por la justicia

Chlordecone poisoning french carribbean Mobilizations against effects of chlordecone poisoning gain momentum in Martinique and Guadeloupe

The people of Martinique and Guadeloupe have been facing the consequences of chlordecone poisoning for decades. A new initiative has announced it is ready to take forward the struggle for justice

The pandemic response in Martinique and Guadeloupe: the looming shadow of colonialism

Trade unions in the Antille islands have been calling for independence in creating their public health strategies and measures