Communal elections are held to select local social projects for each commune in Venezuela. This initiative aims to transform the very structure of the State
The leading presidential candidates marched through the capital flanked by supporters and gave speeches about their vision for the future
Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yván Gil Pinto speaks about how people’s power continues to triumph against US imperialist meddling in the country
2024 marks 20 years since the regional integration platform was founded by Commanders Hugo Chávez and Fidel Castro
On the 200th anniversary of the Monroe Doctrine, activists and intellectuals gathered in Caracas to “build an alternative to this imperialist mandate”
It is clear that the Venezuelans who came to cast their vote on December 3 in a referendum on the Essequibo region saw this less as a conflict between Venezuela and Guyana and more as a conflict between ExxonMobil and the people of these two Latin American countries
Hugo Chávez understood earlier than other Latin American left-wing leaders the rising Asian power’s commitment to build a multipolar world
La Revolución Bolivariana, en sus 24 años de existencia ha construido una nueva forma de construcción popular y democrática, todo bajo ataques constantes del imperio.
The Bolivarian Revolution, in its 24 years of existence, has built a new form of popular and democratic construction, all the while resisting constant attacks by the empire
The first part in a series examining the last decade in Venezuela under the leadership of Nicolás Maduro and how the country resisted relentless imperialist attacks
Harry Belafonte died at the age of 96 on April 25 after a lifetime of popularizing, funding, and supporting the struggles of the international working class
For every Monroe Doctrine intervention, there will be an April 13th rebellion for sovereignty and dignity.