Hunger in Sudan
Las masacres militares en la región agrícola de Sudán están generando una hambruna sin precedentes

Empeora la mayor crisis de desplazados del mundo debido a los ataques de las RSF, que ya han causado centenares de muertos, y que afectan hoy a 120 aldeas de al-Gezira, obligando a huir a otras 135.000 personas.

RSF is depopulating war-torn Sudan’s breadbasket amid an unprecedented famine

Worsening the world’s largest displacement crisis, attacks by RSF killing hundreds, have affected 120 villages in the Gezira, forcing another 135,000 people to flee.

One year of war in Sudan accompanied by dengue concerns

Public health concerns in war-torn Sudan continue to escalate with the destruction of health infrastructure, widespread displacement and hunger haunting the population