La guerra de Israel contra los palestinos en Gaza ha cambiado toda la ecuación y ha paralizado el corredor económico India-Oriente Medio-Europa. Ahora es inconcebible que Arabia Saudita y los Emiratos Árabes Unidos inicien un proyecto de este tipo con los israelíes.

Israel’s war on the Palestinians in Gaza has changed the entire equation and stalled the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor. It is now inconceivable for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to enter such a project with the Israelis

The bottom line is how the IMEC idea on paper can be turned into reality. Quite obviously, the IMEC is anchored on the old US geopolitical strategy of divide-and-rule in the Middle East. But the Western domination of the Middle East cannot be revived with the colonial era toolbox in the coming era of multipolarity