South America
South America on fire

More than 300,000 fires have been reported so far in 2024 across South America. The blazes have displaced hundreds and killed several. The causes of this tragedy must be sought in deep geopolitical injustices.

Lula calls for group to discuss cooperation model with South American presidents

During a summit in Brasilia with South American leaders, the Brazilian presidential candidate seeks to overcome resistance to UNASUR

Chile is at the dawn of a new political era

The search for the new era in Chile has two important avenues: the writing of the new constitution, which is what the 155 members of the Constitutional Convention are doing, and the presidential election to be held on November 21, 2021

Bolivia elections | Evo Morales’ victory could mean progressive cycle is not over

Foreign relations professor Igor Fuser looks into the relevance of the Oct. 20 election in Bolivia for South America