The Indian government continues to deepen its ties with Israel despite the growing number of voices calling out the latter for its apartheid policies against Palestinians

A global rally was organized on September 25 by the Global South Response network to commemorate the NGO Forum Durban Declaration of 2001, which had brought together movements and struggles against racism and multiple forms of discrimination

In the May 27th historic special session for a commission of inquiry across historic Palestine, India abstained from voting, preferring to look away from lives brutally taken away and still more condemned to spend it in trauma in Gaza

Amid the COVID-19 crisis, the Indian government signed a 880 crore rupee (USD 116 million) deal with Israel for 16,479 Negev Light Machine Guns. This is even as doctors in many parts of India are struggling without adequate personal protective equipment
The unprecedented proximity between India and Israel in the last five years are based on a clear alliance of Hindutva (Hindu religious identity-based fundamentalism) and Zionism