The World Health Organization is trying to unshackle economics from traditional confines to prioritize health, signaling a radical departure towards a more holistic understanding of societal well-being
El Día Mundial de la Salud de este año marcó el 75 aniversario de la OMS. Pero a medida que se acerca su asamblea anual en Ginebra, este organismo de la ONU sigue luchando por conseguir los recursos adecuados para funcionar con independencia del sector privado y de las presiones de los países de renta alta
This year marked the 75th anniversary of the WHO. But as the UN agency approaches its yearly assembly in Geneva, it is still struggling to secure adequate resources for functioning independently of the private sector and pressures from high income countries
As the people of Sudan continue to experience conflict and violence, the role played by international financial institutions is often ignored. Decades of IMF-imposed austerity policies and cuts on spending played a huge role in the deterioration of living conditions in the country
The International Monetary Fund has a long history of insisting on loan conditionalities which are harmful to public services. This practice did not change even during the pandemic, with African countries being some of the worst affected