In Cusco, the community holds weekly vigils to express their support for Palestine and denounce the ongoing genocide
En Cusco, la comunidad realiza vigilias semanales para manifestar su apoyo a Palestina y denunciar el genocidio actual
June 14 marks the birth of two crucial Latin American Marxist thinkers and revolutionaries: Ernesto Che Guevara and José Carlos Mariátegui
Las sospechas surgieron después de que el Embajador de EE.UU. en Perú publicara una foto con el Fiscal General de Perú. El activista y jurista peruano José Carlos Llerena Robles sostiene que el intervencionismo estadounidense en el sistema judicial peruano tiene raíces mucho más profundas
Suspicions were raised after the US Ambassador to Peru posted a photo with Peru’s Attorney General. Peruvian activist and jurist José Carlos Llerena Robles argues that US interventionism in the Peruvian justice system has much deeper roots
La medida de Pedro Castillo de disolver el Congreso ante una tercera moción de destitución parece ser el resultado de una campaña de presión con apoyo de EE.UU.
The move by Pedro Castillo to dissolve Congress ahead of a third impeachment motion seems to be the result of a pressure campaign with support from the US
The campaign to overturn Peru’s presidential election results is one of “unconventional warfare.”
While by all accounts, Pedro Castillo won the second round presidential elections, his adversary has refused to concede, and many fear that tensions could escalate with the help of Peru’s loyal right and the newly appointed US ambassador
Agricultural workers are mobilizing to demand that the Peruvian government and Congress follow through on their promise to pass a law granting labor rights and ensuring better working conditions for workers in this sector