Vijay Prashad
Will the Palestinian groups create a new Palestinian political project?

The first task is to prevent the attack on Rafah and end the genocide. However, soon thereafter, the political malaise that has befallen the Palestinian people must be overcome

The students will not tolerate hypocrisy

The brightness of the souls of the youth illuminates the wretchedness of our system, at its heart, the ugliness of Israel’s war

Elites in the global north are scared to talk about Palestine

While people across the world have been taking bold action in support of Palestine, the global north ruling class has used all tools at its disposal to support Israel’s genocide and criminalize solidarity

La inadvertida muerte de los emigrantes en el desierto del Sáhara

Vijay Prashad informa sobre el último informe de la OIM sobre muertes de migrantes y las muertes no reportadas de migrantes que cruzan el Sahara

The unremarkable death of migrants in the Sahara Desert

Vijay Prashad reports on the latest IOM report on migrant deaths and the under-reported deaths of migrants crossing the Sahara

Europe sleepwalks through its own dilemmas

Amid waning support for the war in Ukraine, leaders across Europe have found themselves at a difficult crossroads

Starvation is a war crime: Note from the Israeli genocide against the Palestinians

Famine looms in Gaza due to Israel’s refusal to let aid trucks into the besieged territory. This is in violation of the Geneva Conventions which say that “starvation of civilians as a method of combat is prohibited”

El notable declive del liderazgo del Norte Global

No se puede encontrar la claridad en la Casa Blanca, en el número 10 de Downing Street o en el Palacio del Elíseo. Se encuentra en las palabras de la gente corriente de estos países que está desconsolada por la violencia.

The remarkable decline in the global north’s leadership

Clarity is not to be sought in the White House, in No. 10 Downing Street, or in the Élysée Palace. It is found in the words of ordinary people in these countries who are heartsick regarding the violence

Los palestinos y palestinas de Gaza no tienen adónde ir

Los palestinos de Rafah no tienen adónde ir si se dirigen al norte. Sus casas han sido destruidas.

There is no place for the Palestinians of Gaza to go

There is no place for the Palestinians in Rafah to go if they go north. Their homes have been destroyed.

La Corte Internacional de Justicia censura a Israel por su guerra genocida

El fallo de la CIJ sobre el caso de Sudáfrica contra Israel marcó una victoria crucial para el movimiento de solidaridad palestina y expuso los crímenes de guerra de Israel para que todo el mundo los viera.