Nearly 70,000 university workers protested in the UK last week over issues of wages and pensions. Peoples Dispatch spoke to some of the protesters and those who were on the streets in solidarity with them

This year marked the 25th anniversary of Kerala’s iconic People’s Plan Campaign, which institutionalized community participation in decision-making at the local administrative level

Two political prisoners from Colombia and Palestine were released this past week in a major victory for people’s movements

On the 44th anniversary of the 1976 coup in Thailand, we look at how imperialism has used such violent means throughout history to overthrow those who have fought for the people

The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union of South Africa warned that its 200,000 public workers will strike on Sept. 10 if their concerns are not addressed.

Massive flooding has devastated parts of South Asia, especially northeastern India and Bangladesh.

The corona crisis has also brought to the forefront the crisis in Brazil’s healthcare system. The Sistema Único de Saúde – SUS -, Brazil’s publicly funded health system has been facing dire budget cuts over the past several years while the private system has been steadily growing.

According to reports, around 31 percent of the workers were unable to pay their rent on April 1.

We look at the history of the invasion even as US troops withdraw from certain bases.

Incidents of fire and clashes between refugees and a section of hostile natives have also been reported on the island.

Countering an Islamophobic rally organized by PEGIDA, an anti-fascist mobilization was called in Dresden by several groups, including Antifascist Action, HOPE-fight racism, Die Linke (The Left), LifeLine, leftist-socialist-Green youth groups, and others.

The ship is making its way across the continent, allegedly carrying weapons to be used in the civil war in Yemen.