As popular movements across the world have been warning, we are undergoing a crisis of the capitalist system globally.
The People’s Summit is a free, public summit that brings together organizers, educators, and regular people to discuss issues like labor rights, policing, healthcare, immigration, and housing.
At he 3rd Continental Assembly of ALBA Movements, women from a cross-section of struggles talked about solidarity and their striving to build a better world
260 delegates from 23 countries participated in the 3rd Continental Assembly of the ALBA Movements in Buenos Aires and addressed the platforms 6 key principles of work and unity.
During the III Continental Assembly of ALBA Movements, allied platforms spoke about the importance of building unity and fighting imperialism and capitalism together
Lee en inglés aqui La articulación continental ALBA Movimientos celebrará su tercera asamblea continental en Buenos Aires, Argentina desde el 27 de abril hasta el 1 de mayo. La plataforma compuesta por movimientos populares a lo largo y ancho de las Américas, espera más de 200 delegadas y delegados para discutir el momento político actual en la región y el mundo, evaluar el trabajo del último período y analizar las … Read more…