Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
Five years since revocation of special status, Jammu and Kashmir heads to elections

In the upcoming elections, one left leader will contest who has been repeatedly targeted by the Indian state for his persistent struggle in defense of the Kashmiri people and their autonomy

Indian students and youth protest corruption in entrance exams

Repeated cancellations, corruption, and exclusivity have disrupted the future of millions of students who write these centralized examinations every year to get admission into professional and higher study courses and certain careers

Activists call megaproject on India’s Great Nicobar island “ecocide”

The Indian government wants to build a mega infrastructure project which would impact over a million trees on the Great Nicobar Island and endanger rare species of animals and Indigenous communities

Right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party fails to secure a majority in India’s national elections

The deepening economic disparities and threats to India’s constitution during the last ten years of PM Narendra Modi’s rule were some of the key issues raised during these general elections

India’s BJP faces ire of farmers in final phase of elections

The ruling Modi government has failed to implement key agreements made with the farmers’ movement and is now facing protest after protest by farmers’ organizations on the campaign trail

Elecciones en India: Gobierno defiende a los superricos

La desigualdad ha aumentado en la India a un ritmo rápido en las últimas décadas, y el uno por ciento más rico de la población del país posee ahora más del cuarenta por ciento de la riqueza nacional y controla más del 22 % de su ingreso nacional.

NewsClick founder Prabir Purkayastha to be released on bail after arrest ruled illegal

Police charged Prabir and NewsClick with colluding with foreign powers to sabotage India on the basis of a New York Times “hit piece” published in August 2023 which targeted several other anti-war organizations in the US as well

Student leaders are leading the left revival in India’s national elections

In West Bengal, where left parties were elected to rule for over three decades until 2011, over a half dozen young leaders are waging a battle to defeat sectarian, anti-people politics of the right-wing parties

India’s BJP defends the super rich by giving wealth redistribution policy a sectarian color during general elections

Inequality has grown in India at a rapid pace in the last several decades with the top 1% of country’s population now owning more than 40% of national wealth and controlling over 22% of its national income

Center-left alliance challenges the ruling right alliance in India’s national elections

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi may still be popular after a decade in power but his government’s failures to address basic livelihood issues for the majority of the people may give an advantage to the opposition.

As elections approach, India’s farmers count government’s broken promises

A report by Financial Accountability Network India reveals how the promises made to farmers by the ruling BJP in previous elections – doubling their income, a sustainable minimum support price and more —were never met

Indian government notifies rules for Citizenship Amendment Act

The Modi government delivered on its 2019 campaign promise to implement the controversial law, which provides an expedited route to Indian citizenship to undocumented migrants from six religious communities from neighboring countries but excludes Muslims