Journalist Lucia Sabini Fraga dialogues with Senegalese street vendors in Argentina and Barcelona who resist state repression and struggle to survive amid the pandemic

Daniel Gallardo was arrested on October 17, 2019 when he was participating in a solidarity rally with Catalan political prisoners

Barcelona and multiple cities in Spain have been witnessing mass protests. What will it take to bring peace again?

In Sabadell, Spain, thousands of people protested on September 23 against the arrests of nine pro-independence Catalan activists.

Mobilizations were held across the world as part of the Feminist Strike to reject patriarchal and capitalist violence and show the power and force of women, travestis, transgender and gender diverse people

The new rules introduced by the Catalan government require customers to book ride-hailing services 15 minutes to an hour in advance. The taxi drivers’s strike in Madrid continues

Over 50 people, including 30 police personnel, were injured in clashes as protesters blocked the road with the slogan ‘Bring down the regime”