20 military personnel have been accused of intentional homicide in Peru for their role in repressing the December 2022 demonstrations in Ayacucho. The military allegedly fired intentionally against the unarmed civilian population.

According to a new survey conducted by the Institute of Peruvian Studies (IEP), the disapproval rating of de-facto president Dina Boluarte has risen from 71% in January to 81.6% in July, while that of the right-wing dominated Congress has increased from 89% to 90.4%

“The de facto president is only sustained by the support of the US. I dare say that Peru has never been so alone,” writes Maria Fe Celi Reyna

The new round of protests are expected to continue till July 28, the Peruvian Independence Day

Thousands are expected to arrive to Peru’s capital city Lima to participate in a fresh round of protests to call for the resignation of Dina Boluarte who took office after the coup against Pedro Castillo

Prosecutor Daniel Soria has made the request in the case investigating Castillo’s attempt to dissolve the right-wing dominated Congress and rule by decree in December 2022

The new round of protests will be called the “National Day of Permanent Popular Mobilization” and take place between July 19 and 28

The charges against Chávez stem from the right-wing’s case against former President Pedro Castillo who has been imprisoned since December 2022

Boluarte condemned the fresh wave of protests and blamed social organizations for creating violence and chaos in the country.

Evo Morales harshly criticized the move by the Boric government which occurred just after Peruvian congress approved the entry of hundreds of US troops for training activities

President AMLO reiterated that Mexico does not consider Dina Boluarte to be the legal president of Peru since the coup against Pedro Castillo

Las sospechas surgieron después de que el Embajador de EE.UU. en Perú publicara una foto con el Fiscal General de Perú. El activista y jurista peruano José Carlos Llerena Robles sostiene que el intervencionismo estadounidense en el sistema judicial peruano tiene raíces mucho más profundas