Darfur Bar Association
El vicepresidente de la junta sudanesa intensifica la retórica contra las víctimas de la violencia en Darfur

En las dos últimas semanas, más de 16.000 personas se han visto desplazadas en una nueva ronda de violentos ataques en Darfur en los que paramilitares, Fuerzas de Apoyo Rápido, han desempeñado supuestamente un papel clave. Ahora su jefe y segundo al mando de la junta sudanesa, el general Hemeti, ha amenazado con desmantelar los campos de refugiados

Deputy chairman of Sudan’s junta escalates rhetoric against victims of violence in Darfur

Over the past two weeks, over 16,000 people were displaced in a fresh round of violent attacks in Darfur in which the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces allegedly played a key role. Now its head and the second-in-command of Sudan’s junta, General Hemeti, has threatened to dismantle refugee camps

Sudanese protest against continuing atrocities by Rapid Support Forces militia

The Rapid Support Forces militia has reportedly engaged in brutal violence in the States of South and West Darfur, as well as the State of South Kordofan, over the past few weeks.