The rods of the muscular Right wing were aimed at Aishe Ghosh’s head, but the students of JNU have pledged to fight the intimidatory, divisive and toxic politics of BJP-RSS with ‘words.

Students and teachers of Jawaharlal Nehru University mobilized on January 9 to demand the removal of the vice-chancellor after the right-wing attack suffered on Sunday

Peoples Dispatch takes a look at how the incident unfolded on Sunday evening.

Strengthening their resistance against feel hike and in support of affordable education for all, on December 9, students of Jawaharlal Nehru University marched to the residence of the President of India in New Delhi.

Peoples Dispatch talk to president of New Delhi based Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) students’ union, Aishe Ghosh about the struggle against fees hike.

Despite massive police violence on Monday, more than 3,000 students and teachers of the New Delhi-based Jawaharlal Nehru University marched to the Indian parliament against the hostel fee hike and demanded free education for all.

Students of Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi were baton charged and detained as they marched to parliament demanding the complete roll back of a massive fee hike

We also take a look at the custodial killing of an aboriginal teenager in Australia.

We also look into the hunger strike by Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails and the march by trade unions in South Africa against the 2nd annual Investment Summit in Johannesburg.

With the slogan, ‘No Convocation without Affordable Education’, the students demanded the withdrawal of a draft hostel manual, which imposes a 1000 per cent fee hike.

Hostel fees has been increased by more than 999% from 2700/- (38.20USD) to a whopping 30,100/- (425.88USD) annually (excluding monthly mess bill and newly introduced electricity and water charges).