This week marked the anniversary of the birth of Marxist and communist revolutionary Fidel Castro, here we reflect on his political life after the triumph of the revolution in 1959

August 13 marks the anniversary of the birth of Marxist and communist revolutionary Fidel Castro, one of the most influential political leaders of the 20th century. Read our series of articles about the political life of the revolutionary leader.

Cuba, a country of 11 million inhabitants, is the second most successful country in the Americas in the Olympic Games, only behind the United States.

Cuabn poet Nancy Morejón talks about how the revolution in Cuba paved the way for cultural emancipation as well as why the voices in support for Palestine must be louder.

2024 marks 20 years since the regional integration platform was founded by Commanders Hugo Chávez and Fidel Castro

Cuban intellectual José Ernesto Novaez Guerrero reflects on the historical ties of solidarity between the Cuban and Palestinian people in the context of Israel’s ongoing war on Gaza

Cuba and Iran have also increased their bilateral cooperation to counter the effects of illegal unilateral measures imposed on them by the US.

Cuban president Miguel Díaz-Canel also joined the rally and chanted along with the people, “Cuba, yes! Blockade, no!”

A rally will be held at Grand Central Station amid the UN General Assembly week to demand that the US take Cuba off of the State Sponsors of Terrorism list

Ahead of his address at the UN General Assembly, Cuban president Miguel Díaz-Canel paid tribute to Malcolm X in Harlem. The ceremony marked 63 years since the historic meeting between Malcolm X and former Cuban president Fidel Castro.

Fidel no sólo sobrevivió a la furia de la dictadura de Batista, la lucha guerrillera y a más de 600 intentos de asesinato, sino que lideró un proceso revolucionario que, después de 60 años, sigue resistiendo y triunfando.

Fidel not only survived the fury of the Batista dictatorship, guerrilla war, and 600 assassination attempts, but led a revolutionary process which after 60 years, continues to resist and triumph