Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)
Farmers in Pakistan organize to face the growing attacks on their livelihood

The government has not only failed to address the structural problems in country’s agriculture but has been in a hurry to please the IMF and big corporate houses which further pushes farmers to deprivation and poverty.

15 Arab and African countries sound the alarm on the risks of famine in Sudan

Famine looms in Sudan, forcing people to flee to neighboring countries, while talks between warring parties and a UN envoy are still under way in Geneva

US slammed for providing Israel with ‘license to kill’ Palestinians in Gaza

Three UN agencies warned that over half a million Palestinians face famine by May if Israel continues to prevent humanitarian aid supplies to Gaza and if a ceasefire is not in place

FAO food security report Global hunger remains far above pre-pandemic levels, claims FAO

Asia and Africa continue to be the hotspots for global hunger while Latin American countries were able to reduce hunger significantly. Developed countries in North America and Europe also witnessed a slight rise in food insecurity in 2022