Food Corporation of India
Why are people going hungry if India has surplus foodgrain stocks?

A country that ranks 94 among 107 countries in the Global Hunger Index can’t be said to be self-sufficient in foodgrains. The surplus stocks are due to shortage of purchasing power in peoples’ hands

Food consumption trends point at real income decline before pandemic

Why has there been a tendency toward persistent ‘excess supply’ in the foodgrain market when growth rate of foodgrain output has barely exceeded the population growth rate?

Record harvest, record stocks: Yet, why are India’s people hungry?

It is beyond belief and understanding why the Indian government led by prime minister Narendra Modi is refusing to distribute the mountain of food grain stocks sitting in its warehouses

India covid India’s failed lockdown: devastating the poor, weakening the fight against COVID-19

A large-scale migration of people during the lockdown will only spread infections rapidly across the country. Meanwhile, food and other supplies are drying up as supply chains are slowly coming apart under pressure.