Twitter vs Threads is interesting because until now, the digital monopolies had carved out their exclusive spaces, which had some overlaps, particularly in technology and infrastructure, but not in the primary “product” they were selling to the people. Threads marks the first major change in this trend an instance of direct competition

In the first part of an interview with NewsClick, Facebook whistleblower Sophie Zhang talks about what motivated her to reveal details about the corporation’s multiple failures

Whistleblower Frances Haugen has revealed hard evidence—internal Facebook documents—that show it knew its algorithms promote dangerous content but did nothing about it so that it could maximize its advertising revenue.

Facebook’s meteoric rise as one of the biggest global monopolies has been accompanied by continuous weakening of its user privacy. With WhatsApp users voting with their feet, has Facebook’s past finally caught up with it?

Newsclick’s Prabir Purkayastha analyzes the latest antitrust case against Facebook. He looks at the growing global consensus on action against the tech giants, and talks about the situation in the developing countries

Prabir Purkayastha discusses the recent revelations on how Facebook’s lobbying influenced the current US stance on TikTok.

According to a study carried out by European Data Journalism Network and AlgorithmWatch, pictures which featured under-dressed people had a greater chance of being featured in newsfeeds on the platform

The Bundeskartellamt noted that only two options for users are to either agree to the extensive and intrusive data collection, or not create an account with the social media giant. This kind of consent is not real consent, the body pointed out