labor organizing
Workers in US South are organizing to demand relief from the extreme heat

Service industry workers speak out against low-wage, life-threatening work, and demand safety measures be implemented immediately

Waffle House workers win major raise after months of campaigning

Waffle House workers are celebrating the announcement as a victory as a result of struggle and vow to continue fighting for 25 dollars per hour

UAW is on the cutting edge of unionizing the US South

After winning a historic union drive in Tennessee, the United Auto Workers have their sights set on conquering the anti-labor machine in the South

Everywhere he goes, Biden is haunted by the martyrs of Gaza

The Palestine solidarity movement in the United States is determined not to let the president have a moment of peace

75,000 US health workers strike for fair pay and benefits

75,000 Kaiser Permanente health workers walked off the job Wednesday to fight short staffing

Biggest health worker strike in US history to begin tomorrow

75,000 healthcare workers across nonprofit Kaiser Permanente facilities will walk off the job tomorrow in an ongoing fight for safer staffing levels

“The workers are the liberators,” declares UAW President, sending 7,000 more out on strike

United Auto Workers are expanding their strike to put additional pressure on General Motors and Ford, playing the three largest automakers against each other

US autoworkers go on strike, call on all workers to “stand up!”

The United Auto Workers employ a fresh strategy of the “stand up strike,” strategically shutting down select plants to keep the Big Three automakers guessing

Dilemmas of Humanity conference in the US outlines principle task: organize a working class movement to defeat the empire

Socialists, organizers, and working class leaders in the United States describe the challenges the movement faces, and what is to be done to overcome them

Hollywood workers are fighting to save creativity in entertainment

Top studios are determined to wait out the strike by starving out entertainment workers, while workers fight to be stewards of their own creative process

UAW workers strike vote The United Auto Workers are redefining what is possible for US labor

With radical demands such as a 32-hour workweek, the UAW contract campaign is bringing “class warfare” back to labor negotiations. Workers are set to vote this week on authorizing a potential strike

Los Angeles bosses feel the pressure with four unions on strike

Four simultaneous strikes strikes hit the city of Los Angeles yesterday when city workers walked off the job