Manhattan Project
Oppenheimer military industrial complex La paradoja de Oppenheimer: el poder de la ciencia y la debilidad de los científicos

La bomba lanzada sobre Hiroshima en 1945 anunció la era atómica e inauguró el complejo militar-industrial que se apoderó de Estados Unidos.

Oppenheimer military industrial complex Oppenheimer paradox: power of science, weakness of scientists

The bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945 heralded the atomic age and ushered in the military-industrial complex that took over the United States

Victims of nuclear bomb tests on US soil 75 years ago continue to seek justice

Before the United States dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it conducted tests that have caused serious health issues to generations of New Mexico residents—who remain uncompensated

75 years after first nuclear explosion, apocalypse still looms

Today is the 75th anniversary of the first nuclear test, the Trinity test which was the culmination of the Manhattan project.

When world leaders forget what nuclear warfare looks like

In a campaign speech in Rajasthan on April 22, Indian prime minister Narendra Modi casually threatened Pakistan with the use of nuclear bombs, saying India’s nuclear arsenal has not been saved for Diwali.