Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed Farmaajo
Las protestas en la separatista Somalilandia piden la reunificación con Somalia

Mientras Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido legitiman cada vez más el régimen secesionista de Somalilandia, cuya soberanía no goza de reconocimiento internacional, un movimiento unificador que busca una Somalia unida amenaza con desintegrar la república autoproclamada.

Protests in breakaway Somaliland call for reunification with Somalia

Even as the US and UK are increasingly legitimizing secessionist rule in Somaliland, whose sovereignty has no international recognition, a unionist movement seeking a united Somalia threatens to unravel the self-declared republic

“Conflict between president and PM is a conflict between the Somali people and imperialist forces”

Parliamentary elections in Somalia are set to be concluded by February 25 amid tensions between the president and the prime minister. Mohamed Hassan, historian and former diplomat, explains the political situation, the role of foreign powers, especially the UAE, and the truth behind Shabaab