Non-communicable diseases (NCDs)
Junk food India The Junk Push: ultra-processed food industry gains ground in India

A recent report details how aggressive marketing strategies are influencing Indians to consume more ultra-processed food (UPF), colloquially known as junk food, and therefore undermining the health of thousands

Cancer research Over 1.5 million cancer deaths in women worldwide could be avoided through proper prevention, says report by The Lancet

A recent The Lancet Commission analyzed data on the intersection of gender, power, and cancer distribution, issuing warnings about the unequal burden of disease still shouldered by women

Obesity WHA Obesity pandemic at the World Health Assembly: when the unhinged market feeds disease

This year’s World Health Assembly prominently featured discussions obesity. However, the implementation of serious policies to deal with the issue is being undermined by the multi-stakeholder approach, which is letting industries influence the conversation. 

World Health Assembly World Health Assembly falls short of insulating food and alcohol plans from commercial interests

Without stronger action to counter the influence of transnational alcohol and food companies, industry-propelled health harm will continue to persist