Nuclear holocaust
Nagasaki: 75 years later
Newsclick’s Prabir Purkayastha looks at the impact of the Nagasaki nuclear bombing, especially on global politics and the Cold War that followed it
Trump’s Nuclear Doctrine: I Have the Biggest Stick, Submit or be Nuked
There is urgent need for a dormant global peace movement to revive. For, it is not just Russia or China which are at risk, but the whole of humanity
US withdrawal from INF treaty marks a dangerous move towards nuclear escalation
The US has cited Russian violations of the treaty as the reason for their withdrawal. This is despite Russia offering to open up its weapons systems for US inspection. The treaty requires a six-month notice period following which the country no longer has to abide by the treaty
7 decades after Nagasaki, the possibility of nuclear holocaust looms large
The doomsday clock, set up by the scientists involved in the Manhattan, is now 2 minutes away from midnight that symbolizes annihilation