Following the killing of his son along with two other young men in Srinagar, Mushtaq Ahmad Wani, has been protesting for over a month demanding that his son’s dead body be handed over. On February 8, the police charged him and a few others under the draconian anti-terror law
Ather Mushtaq, Ajaz Maqbool Ganai and Zubair Lone were killed in an encounter on December 30. Their bodies have not been handed over to the families yet
Protesters have demanded strict action against the personnel involved in the assault on two youth, 20-year-old Shahid Ahad and 21-year-old Auqib Dar
The family of 23-year-old Irfan Ahmad Dar said he was killed in cold blood while in police custody even as the police claim he escaped. The alleged custodial killing triggered protests in northern Kashmir