Rapid Support Forces (RSF)
US imperialism is driving millions of people to flee their homes across the world

The intensification of existing violent conflicts and emergence of new ones have caused a significant increase in the number of forcibly displaced people

One year of war in Sudan accompanied by dengue concerns

Public health concerns in war-torn Sudan continue to escalate with the destruction of health infrastructure, widespread displacement and hunger haunting the population

Campesinos asesinados en el corazón agrícola de Sudán mientras el hambre asola el país devastado por la guerra

Mientras más de la mitad de la población del país devastado por la guerra pasa hambre, las tropas merodeadoras de las Fuerzas de Apoyo Rápido (RSF) matan a cientos de campesinos y despoblan las aldeas del corazón agrícola de Sudán.

Farmers killed across Sudan’s agricultural heartland while hunger engulfs the war-torn county

While more than half the war-torn country’s population is suffering hunger, the marauding troops of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) are killing farmers in their hundreds and depopulating the villages of Sudan’s agricultural heartland

Starvation and disease threaten millions in Sudan as civil war rages on

With over half the population hungry and starvation deaths increasing by the hour, Sudanese brace for worse as the country enters the lean season on the heels of a harvest season lost to war.

Sudanese Communist Party newspaper’s editor abducted by paramilitary RSF

The Rapid Support Forces (RSF), which has been at war with Sudan’s army since April 15, 2023, broke into the family home of Haitham Dafallah, the chief editor of Al-Maydan newspaper, and abducted him along with his brother, on January 19.

War in Sudan engulfs agricultural heartland amid record levels of hunger

After capturing Gezira, a State in central Sudan that was producing half of its wheat and providing refuge to hundreds of thousands of IDPs, the RSF is set to battle the Sudanese Armed Forces for the neighboring states to consolidate control over the country’s agricultural heartland

Eugene Puryear on Sudan, 5 years since the December revolution

Five years after Sudan’s December revolution, the country is facing a devastating humanitarian crisis. A raging civil war has left hundreds of thousands displaced, facing hunger and poverty.

Deadly diseases stalk millions in war-torn Sudan

Rawia Kamal, a health activist displaced after the paramilitary attacked her home, recounts the travails of being in war-torn Sudan with looming threat of diseases

Ethnic cleansing of West Darfur’s El Geneina culminates in largest massacre since onset of war in Sudan

At least 1,335 Internally Displaced Persons are estimated to have been killed in an attack on a camp near El Geneina. With this attack, all the people displaced during the civil war in Darfur in the 2000s, who are witnesses to the crimes committed then, been driven out of the capital of the West Darfur State by the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces

Six months of war between Sudan’s security forces has cost thousands of lives and displaced millions

With over 5.3 million displaced, the war which began on April 15 between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces enters its sixth month with no resolution in sight, as the UN warns of further escalation.

Las partes beligerantes de Sudán continúan sus bombardeos mientras miles de cadáveres se pudren en las calles y más de 20 millones de personas pasan hambre

Miles de personas han muerto y más de cuatro millones han sido desplazadas por la guerra entre militares y paramilitares sudaneses, país que va a entrar en su quinto mes sin signos de tregua. Sólo 18 de los 89 principales hospitales del país funcionan, y sólo parcialmente.