Israel continues to close all possible doors to a ceasefire in Gaza and de-escalation in the West Asia region, intensifying military operations and provocations in the West Bank and Gaza
La clase política israelí parece estar utilizando el conflicto iniciado el 7 de octubre como pretexto para borrar a los palestinos de Palestina
The Israeli political class appears to be using the conflict that began on October 7 as the pretext to erase Palestinians from Palestine
Ben-Gvir, who has stormed the mosque compound several times in the past, ignored warnings from both his colleagues in the Israeli parliament and Palestinians who called it an act of provocation
Hmeid was diagnosed with cancer in August 2021. Appeals for his release from prison so that he may access better treatment were denied by the Israeli courts and prison authorities
On the occasion of the Jewish new year, Rosh Hashanah, Israeli occupation forces barricaded different parts of the occupied West Bank to allow easy access to settlers who performed worship at the site, prohibited by law