India’s Central Trade Union Organizations, representing approximately 100 million workers, have strongly condemned reported talks between New Delhi and Israel that could see the “export” of up to 100,000 Indian workers to replace Palestinian workers

The US was the only one to veto a second proposal, against 12 members of the UNSC who voted in favor, claiming that it did not address Israel’s “right of self-defense”

Today we look at renewed attacks by Israel on Gaza, the ongoing strike by workers at the Clover company in South Africa, and more

The under construction border wall will complete the encirclement of the Gaza strip. Israeli already has built a concrete wall on its 37-mile-long border with Gaza

The latest Israeli offensive on Gaza comes in the wake of a political deadlock in Israel, which has resulted in no new government being formed since the general elections in September.

The injured include 43 children, 1 woman, 2 paramedics and 1 journalist. Friday was the 80th week of the protests along the Gaza-Israel border.
Israeli forces opened gunfire on Palestinian crowds during the weekly Great March of Return protests, killing one and injuring 94. The casualties included women, children and paramedics