Socialist Protest - Slovakia (1) Anti-imperialists in Slovakia protest proposal for defense agreement with US

Talks on the Agreement on Defence Cooperation between Slovakia and the US concluded earlier this month. The agreement, likely to be approved in January 2022, is being criticized by progressive sections as a move that will compromise the sovereignty of Slovakia

Political Crisis-Slovakia Political crisis in Slovakia derails fight against COVID-19 

The incumbent coalition government in Slovakia is mired in a political crisis over disagreements on the procurement of Sputnik V vaccines from Russia, even as the country faces an acute COVID-19 crisis

Slovak Protests On anniversary of ‘Velvet Revolution,’ Slovakian left denounces betrayal of people

Every year, rallies are held in Slovakia on the anniversary of the ‘Velvet Revolution’ which marked the transition from communism. This year, the left and other sections too protested against the government and the policies of the past three decades