Third Takeover of Lima
Fresh protests against Dina Boluarte met with violent police repression in Lima

According to a new survey conducted by the Institute of Peruvian Studies (IEP), the disapproval rating of de-facto president Dina Boluarte has risen from 71% in January to 81.6% in July, while that of the right-wing dominated Congress has increased from 89% to 90.4%

Peru protests against Boluarte Thousands of Peruvians partake in ‘Third Takeover of Lima’, revive struggle against Boluarte regime

The new round of protests are expected to continue till July 28, the Peruvian Independence Day

Peru protests Dina Boluarte Peruvians to hit the streets for ‘Third Takeover of Lima’

Thousands are expected to arrive to Peru’s capital city Lima to participate in a fresh round of protests to call for the resignation of Dina Boluarte who took office after the coup against Pedro Castillo