As Israel’s genocidal multi-front war rages on, the limitations of the international body to fulfill its promise to promoting peace and cooperation becomes glaringly clear.

While terming the US attacks as violations of international law and a reckless provocation, several UN member-states highlighted its support for the Israeli genocide in Gaza as the root of conflict in the region

The UN Security Council discussed challenges and need for effective multilateralism in global politics with representatives from various countries asserting that unilateral measures adopted by some Western countries violate the UN Charter, threaten global peace, and aggravate human suffering

Europa y Estados Unidos ignoran los llamados de África, América Latina y Asia para encontrar una solución que ponga fin a la guerra en Ucrania y, como dijo el primer ministro de Namibia, redirigir los fondos gastados en armamento hacia la resolución de problemas globales.

Europe and the US ignore Africa, Latin America, and Asia’s calls to find a solution that ends the war in Ukraine—and, as Namibia’s prime minister put it, redirect funds spent on weapons toward solving global issues.

A host of research organizations and political platforms, including the International Peoples’ Assembly, have drafted a Plan to Save the Planet which will be submitted to the UN to be adopted as a resolution

On the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, Peoples Dispatch spoke with Carlos Ron, Venezuela’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for North America.

The first ministerial meeting of the Group of Friends in Defense of the United Nations Charter was held in New York on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. Many of the members are targets of unilateral sanctions by the US and the European Union

On January 5, the Lima Group called for countries around the world to “disregard” Venezuela’s new elected Legislative Assembly. This is yet another instance of the Lima Group’s diplomatic war which is in violation of UN and OAS charters