430+ journalists, political leaders, artists, and academics sign statement in support of Newsclick

Days after the mass raids on journalists in India, personalities from over 30 countries reject the attack on press freedom and call for the immediate release of those detained

October 06, 2023 by Peoples Dispatch

Just days after Indian authorities raided the homes of over 100 journalists affiliated with Indian leftist outlet Newsclick, international outlet Peoples Dispatch, and Tricontinental Research Services, over 300 journalists, political leaders, artists, academics, and progressive activists signed an open letter repudiating the repression. The individuals also demanded the immediate release of Newsclick editor-in-chief Prabir Purkayastha and administrator Amit Chakraborty who were arrested under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act and remain in police custody.

The letter was signed by political leaders S’bu Zikode, Mqapheli, and Thapelo Mohapi of Abahlali baseMjondolo, the shack dwellers movement of South Africa, Sinn Fein MP Chris Hazzard, Secretary General of the South African Communist Party Solly Mapaila, Brian Becker, Executive Director of the ANSWER Coalition, German MP Sevim Dagdelen, and Jodie Evans of the anti-war group CODEPINK.

Renowned journalists and authors also signed such as Bhaskar Sunkara, founder of Jacobin Magazine and President of The Nation, Abby Martin and Mike Prysner of The Empire Files, Kwesi Pratt, Jnr., Managing Editor of The Insight Newspaper and founder of Pan African Television of Ghana, Gerald Horne, historian and journalist with Pacifica Radio and KPFK-Los Angeles, The Morning Star editors Ben Chacko and Roger McKenzie, comedian and journalist Lee Camp of Dangerous Minds, and Rania Khalek and Eugene Puryear of BreakThrough News.

Gabriel Shipton, the brother of imprisoned publisher and co-founder of Wikileaks Julian Assange, also signed the letter rejecting attacks on press freedom in India.

Signatories hail from over 30 countries including Argentina, Australia, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, Cuba, Ecuador, Egypt, Germany, Guatemala, Haiti, India, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Kenya, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, Russia, South Africa, Sweden, Trinidad and Tobago, UK, US, and Venezuela.

The letter comes amid an outpouring of support and solidarity for Newsclick and those harassed and detained on October 3. Dozens of rallies and mobilizations have taken place in cities across India organized by press associations and human rights organizations, and student and youth groups such as the Students Federation of India (SFI) and the Democratic Youth Federation of India (DYFI).

Read the full text of the letter and the full list of signatories below:

We, the undersigned journalists, progressive news publications, academics, artists, and political leaders, from around the world, join together to condemn the horrific repression faced by our colleagues at Newsclick and Peoples Dispatch in India on October 3, 2023. The mass raids and detentions unleashed against journalists, commentators, cartoonists, and comedians associated with the outlet, as well as the arrest of its editor-in-chief Prabir Purkayastha and administrator Amit Chakraborty under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act constitute a worrying attack on the democratic principles of press freedom and freedom of expression.

NewsClick is exactly the kind of media outlet which strengthens a democracy, shining a light and giving a voice to those marginalized and silenced sectors of society which clamor for dignity and change.

We stand with our colleagues at Newsclick and Peoples Dispatch and demand the immediate release of those arrested.

Add your signature here.


  1. Signatories:
    1. Andrea Ross, Frente Patria Grande, Argentina
    2. Erika Gimenez, ARG Medios, Argentina
    3. Facundo, Comuna, Argentina
    4. Fernando Rule Castro, Argentina
    5. Francisco Rodrigo Farina, Editorial El Colectivo, Argentina
    6. Francisco Vértiz, Editorial Batalla de Ideas, Argentina
    7. Julián Pilatti, Arg medios, Argentina
    8. Lautaro Rivara, Argentina
    9. Manuel Bertoldi, Arg Medios, Argentina
    10. Paula Klachko, Argentina
    11. Sofia Urosevich, ARG Medios, Argentina
    12. Gabriel Shipton, Australia
    13. Red Ant Collective, Australia
    14. Salami Nidol, SamSin TV, Bénin
    15. Omar Tarek Chowdhury, Writer-translator, Bangladesh
    16. Juan Espinoza del Villar, Midia Ninja, Bolivia
    17. Andrés Huanca, Abya Yala Tv, Bolivia
    18. Abdon Franklin de Meiroz Grilo, Brazil
    19. Aline Tatiane Adolphs, Brazil
    20. Ana Marta Resing, Brazil
    21. Associação Catarinense de Rádios Comunitárias, Brazil
    22. Avel de Alencar, Brazil
    23. Claudio Antonio Ribeiro, Aposentado, Brazil
    24. Eliane Silveira, Sindicato dos Jornalistas do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
    25. Gabriella Petroni, Brazil de Fato, Brazil
    26. João Carlos Santin, Jornalismo RadCom, Brazil
    27. João Costa, Jornalista, Brazil
    28. Joaquim Soriano, Brazil
    29. Katia Camargo, Brazil
    30. Katia Marko, Brazil de Fato RS, Brazil
    31. Lara Sfair, ABI, Brazil
    32. Laura Santos Rocha, Sindicato de Jornalistas Profissionais do Rio Grande do Sul  (SindJoRS), Brazil
    33. Leandro Melito Ferreira, Freelancer, Brazil
    34. Leda Beck, APJor, Brazil
    35. Leila Tais Vicari, Verdeperto Comunicação, Brazil
    36. Letícia Castro, Imprensa, Brazil
    37. Livian Alves, Brasil de Fato, Brazil
    38. Luiz Fernando Taranto, Brazil
    39. Marcos Ferreira, Brazil
    40. Maria, Brasil de Fato, Brazil
    41. Martha Raquel Rodrigues, Jornalistas Livres, Brazil
    42. Niara de Oliveira, freelancer, Brazil
    43. Nina Fideles, Brasil de Fato, Brazil
    44. Peter Kuhns, Brazil
    45. Rosimer, Brazil
    46. Sindicato dos Jornalistas Profissionais no Estado de São Paulo, Brazil
    47. Vivian Neves Fernandes, Brazil
    48. Vladimir Sacchetta, Porviroscópio Projetos e conteúdos, Brazil
    49. Wevergton Brito Lima, Site i21.org.br, Brazil
    50. Amrit, Canada
    51. Bals Sithamparapillai, Canada
    52. Davina Bhandar, Canada
    53. Elizabeth Lee, Canada
    54. Himani Bannerji, Canada
    55. Kaushalya Bannerji, Artist, Canada
    56. Rita Kaur Dhamoon, Associate Professor, Canada
    57. Subho Basu, Canada
    58. Tyson, Rebel Youth Magazine, Canada
    59. Zara Faride, Canada
    60. Claudio De Negri, Communist Party of Chile, Chile
    61. Taroa Zúñiga Silva, Globetrotter, Chile
    62. Pablo Abufom, Revista Posiciones, Chile
    63. Patricia Silva Soto, Chile
    64. Tings Chak, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research, China
    65. Yuwei Pan, China
    66. Ana Vracar, Peoples Health Dispatch, Croatia
    67. Rosa Miriam Elizalde, Dominio Cuba, Cuba
    68. Mads Knudsen, Denmark
    69. Ana Lia Borja, Revista Crisis, Ecuador
    70. Anabel, Ecuador
    71. Cristina Estefanía Indemini Báez, Ecuador
    72. Diana Almeida, Revista Crisis, Ecuador
    73. Hernán Acevedo Valarezo, Colectivo La Raiz – Pensamiento Crítico, Ecuador
    74. Irene León, REDH, Ecuador
    75. Juan Meriguet, SOMOS PATRIA, Ecuador
    76. Martín Varese, Peoples Dispatch, Ecuador
    77. Shaskya Cedeno, Ecuador
    78. Mahmoud Hashem, Africavoices.net, Egypt
    79. Fabien Tarrit, France
    80. Alexander Leipold, Germany
    81. Joerg Tiedjen, Junge Welt, Germany
    82. Klaus Helms, Germany
    83. Sevim Dagdelen, German Bundestag, Germany
    84. Shani Stehle, Germany
    85. Jeff Atuobi, Ghana
    86. Kwesi Pratt, Jnr., Pan African Television, Ghana
    87. Oscar Gálvez, Voces de Iximulew, Guatemala
    88. Jean Waltès Bien-Aimé, Radio Resistencia, Haití
    89. Aashna, India
    90. Abhipsa China, India
    91. Abhisek Roy Barman, India
    92. Adhiraaj Ray, Advocate – Calcutta High Court, India
    93. Aravind KS, India
    94. Arjun Sengupta, India
    95. Barun Bandyopadhyay, India
    96. C. Saratchand, University of Delhi, India
    97. Chandra, India/UK
    98. Dr. Mihirlal Roy, India
    99. India and Global Left, India
    100. J. Josh Freed, India
    101. Jishnudev, India
    102. Mrinal Kanti Das, India
    103. Pritish Menon, India
    104. Rajarshi Adhikary, India
    105. Ravikant Beniwal, India
    106. Samikkannu A V, India
    107. Sandip, India
    108. Saroj Kanta Behera, India
    109. Sayantani, India
    110. Shabbir Mohammed Haidermota, India
    111. Sobhanlal Datta Gupta, India
    112. Soumyaneel Dasgupta, Jadavpur University, India
    113. Souvik Roy, India
    114. Subhabrata Roy, India
    115. Suchetana Chattopadhyay, India
    116. Utpal Basu, India
    117. Vijay Prashad, Globetrotter, India
    118. Vipasha, India
    119. Chris Hazzard, Ireland
    120. Bianca Maria, Italy
    121. Franco Porcu, Italy
    122. Francesco Frisco, Italy
    123. Gennaro Varriale, Italy
    124. Gianfranco Santoro, Italy
    125. Giuliano Granato, Italy
    126. Giuseppe, Italy
    127. Luigi Rosanova, Italy
    128. Maurizio Coppola, freelance, Italy
    129. Nicola, Italy
    130. Nicoletta Manuzzato, Italy
    131. Partito della Rifondazione Comunista – Sinistra Europea, Italy
    132. Roberto Evangelista, Italy
    133. Rosaria Natale, Italy
    134. Ruggiero Alessandro, Italy
    135. Nick Deane, Jamaica
    136. Jennes Anderson, Jamaica
    137. Ahmed Kaballo, African Stream, Kenya
    138. Tracy Lumbasi, Kenya
    139. Rania Khalek, BreakThrough News, Lebanon
    140. Choo Chon Kai, sosialis.net, Malaysia
    141. Daniel Kent, Mexico
    142. Alina Duarte, De Raíz, México
    143. Amílcar Guerra, Personal, México
    144. Colectivo Editorial Incendiar el Oceano, México
    145. Jesús Flores, Mexico
    146. Abdallah Elharif, Deputy General Secretary-Workers Democratic Way Party, Morocco
    147. Jamal Berajaa, General Secretary-Workers Democratic Way Party, Morocco
    148. Ashok Danavath, Netherlands
    149. Liesbeth Nieuwenweg, Netherlands
    150. Mikko Karjalainen, Netherlands
    151. Sruti Bala, International Solidarity for Academic Freedom in India, Netherlands
    152. Rasmus Sandnes Haukedal, MOLD, Norway
    153. ​​Adrián Hartill Montalvo, Minkaprod, Perú
    154. Igor Bosc, Peru
    155. Maria Celi, Perú
    156. Ana Maria R. Nemenzo, Philippines
    157. Partido Manggagawa (Workers Party), Philippines
    158. Luis de Jesús, BreakThrough News, Puerto Rico
    159. Selena Nadal, Exprimiendo La Calle, Puerto Rico
    160. Edda López Serrano, Independiente, Puerto Rico
    161. Artemiy Semenovskiy, Russia
    162. Henry Hakamaki, Guerrilla History, Russia
    163. Noa Treister, Serbia
    164. Efemia Chela, Inkani Books, South Africa
    165. Jaysen Chetty, South Africa
    166. Mqapheli, AbahlalibaseMjondolo, South Africa
    167. Pretty Sinenhlanhla, South Africa
    168. Richard, Academic & journalist, South Africa
    169. S’bu. Zikode, Abahlali baseMjondolo Movement SA., South Africa
    170. Solly Mapaila, Secretary General of the South African Communist Party and African Communist Journal Editor in Chief, South Africa
    171. Thapelo Mohapi, Abahlali baseMjondolo Movement SA, South Africa
    172. Vashna Jagarnath, NUMSA, South Africa
    173. César Lobato Gómez, Spain
    174. Lubna Qureshi, Independent Historian, Sweden
    175. Satyaki Bhattacharya, Sweden
    176. John-Mark Considine, Switzerland
    177. Lynn Fries, GPEnewsdocs, Switzerland
    178. Nizar, Freelance, Tanzania
    179. Kandis Sebro, Trinidad and Tobago
    180. Korkut Boratav, Turkey
    181. Lubnah Ansari, UAE
    182. Ben Chacko, The Morning Star, UK
    183. Chandak Sengoopta, UK
    184. Dhruv Haria, UK
    185. Dr. Diya Gupta, UK
    186. Erol-Antony McKenzie, UK
    187. Fiona Edwards, Eyes on Latin America, UK
    188. Joe, Counter Punch, UK
    189. John McEvoy, Declassified UK, UK
    190. Johnnie Hunter, Communist Party of Britain, UK
    191. Prof Lyla Mehta, UK
    192. Roger McKenzie, International Editor, Morning Star News, UK
    193. Rosemary Galli, UK
    194. Scott Forster, UK
    195. Subir Sinha, UK
    196. Taj Ali, Tribune Magazine, UK
    197. Aakansha Jain, US
    198. Abby Martin, The Empire Files, US
    199. Abel, US
    200. Afnan Ismail, US
    201. Aimée Artigliere, US
    202. Akiksha Chatterji, US
    203. Ali Abdel-Qader, US
    204. Alithia Zamantakis, US
    205. Amanda Yee, Liberation News, US
    206. Amicia Huelsman, US
    207. Amy Hills, US
    208. Ana Marton, US
    209. Andira Alves, US
    210. Andrew Bankson, Liberation News, US
    211. Andrew Evan Hawthorn, US
    212. Andrew Gilkey, US
    213. Andrew Velasquez, US
    214. Anlin Wang, US
    215. Arjun Singh Sethi, Georgetown University Law Center, US
    216. Asad Abukhalil, US
    217. Austin Long, US
    218. Austin Williams, US
    219. Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy Report, US
    220. Ben Thomason, Academic, Bowling Green State University, US
    221. Benjamin Zinevich, Liberation News, US
    222. Bhaskar Sunkara, President – The Nation Magazine, US
    223. Bobby Ewing, US
    224. Brayan Zambrano, US
    225. Brenda Hines, US
    226. Brent, US
    227. Brian Becker, The Socialist Program, US
    228. Brianna, US
    229. Bryce Howard, Party for Socialism and Liberation., US
    230. Calla Walsh, Freelance, US
    231. Carli Barry, US
    232. Carol McLoughlin, US
    233. Charles Xu, Qiao Collective, US
    234. Chris Banks, BreakThrough News, US
    235. Chris Caruso, City College, US
    236. Chris Garaffa, CovertAction Magazine, US
    237. Christian Garramone, US
    238. Christian Torre, US
    239. Chuck Modi, Independent, US
    240. Claire Cook, US
    241. Claudia O’Brien Moscoso, Black Agenda Report, US
    242. Cody Cogdell, US
    243. Cori, US
    244. Craig Birchfield, Breakthrough News, US
    245. Craig Birckhead-Morton, US
    246. Daljit K. Soni, Esq., US
    247. Dan Kittridge, US
    248. Dana Alhasan, US
    249. Danny Bettio, US
    250. Daven McQueen, US
    251. David Adler, US
    252. David Chung, The People’s Forum, US
    253. Derek R. Ford, DePauw University, US
    254. Dianne Post, US
    255. donald b fanning, US
    256. Doug Henwood, KPFA radio, US
    257. Doug Paterson, Outlook, US
    258. Dylan Reid Miller, US
    259. Elana Levy, US
    260. Eliette Choi, US
    261. Elizabeth smith, US
    262. Emily Brease, BreakThrough News, US
    263. Erica Steib, US
    264. Estevan Hernandez, US
    265. Fadil Aliriza, Meshkal, US
    266. Faramarz Farbod, Left Turn, US
    267. Farzad Qmehr, Na, US
    268. Gabriela Silva, US
    269. Gerald Horne, Pacifica Radio/KPFK-Los Angeles, US
    270. Gloria La Riva, Pacific Media Workers Guild, US
    271. Grace Woods, US
    272. Guy Oron, Real Change News, US
    273. Hannah Craig, artist, US
    274. Hannah Dickinson, Breaking the Chains Magazine, US
    275. Heather Benno, US
    276. Henry Schwarz, Professor, US
    278. Illona Santillan, US
    279. Imani Lawrence, US
    280. Jackie Kindall, BreakThrough News, US
    281. Jacqueline Luqman, Luqman Nation, US
    282. Jared Anderson, US
    283. Jasmeen Kaur, US
    284. Jasmine Nicole Williams, artist, US
    285. Jason Cohen, US
    286. Jason Tschantre, US
    287. Jasper Saah, Liberation News, US
    288. Jayson Boucher, US
    289. Jeff Brownell, US
    290. Jennifer Sugijanto, US
    291. Jesse Olsavsky, US
    292. Jessica Ryan, US
    293. Jodi Dean, US
    294. Jodie Evans, CODEPINK, US
    295. John Bellamy Foster, Monthly Review, US
    296. John Kiriakou, Consortium News, US
    297. Jonathan Demetrius Amos, US
    298. Jordan Miller, US
    299. Jorge Rocha, US
    300. Joseph Tucker, US
    301. Josh Finn, In Defense of Liberation, US
    302. Josh Mayfield, US
    303. Joy-Douglass, US
    304. Ju-Hyun Park, The Real News, US
    305. Julia Buck, US
    306. Julia, US
    307. Justin, US
    308. Kaleigh O’Keefe, Liberation News, US
    309. Kalonji Changa, Black Power Media, US
    310. Kameron Hurt, US
    311. Karen Jacques, US
    312. Karla Reyes, Breaking the Chains, US
    313. Kathryn McClain, Supporting individual citizen of the US, US
    314. Katie Halper, The Katie Halper Show, US
    315. Kayla Trimble, US
    316. Kei Pritsker, Breakthrough News, US
    317. Keightley Wilkins, US
    318. Kerby Miller, US
    319. Khadija, US
    320. Ki-Jana Carter, Liberation News, US
    321. Kim Ives, Haïti Liberté, US
    322. Kit Baril, US
    323. Kyronn, US
    324. Lauren Murdock, US
    325. Layan Fuleihan, US
    326. Lee Camp, Dangerous Ideas, US
    327. LeeAnn Morrissette, NBFJA, US
    328. Leigh-Anna Faith, US
    329. Lillian House, US
    330. Lindsey Jordan, US
    331. Lisa McLaughlin, Department of Media, Journalism and Film, Miami University, US
    332. Lyle McCormick, Liberation News, US
    333. M. Lafond, US
    334. Maddie, US
    335. Magalie Bonhomme, US
    336. Malini Ranganathan, American University, US
    337. Manolo De Los Santos, The People’s Forum, US
    338. Manu Karuka, 1804 Books, US
    339. Margaret Flowers, Popular Resistance, US
    340. Maria Hermsen-Kritz, US
    341. Mariam, US
    342. Marie Kennedy, US
    343. Mario Hernandez, US
    344. Marissa Rodriguez, Liberation News, US
    345. Marjorie Xavier, US
    346. Mark Smith, US
    347. Mary Ann Castle, Planning Alternatives for Change, US
    348. Mary Archana Fernandez, US
    349. Matt Leslie, Fightback! News, US
    350. Matthew Gallagher, US
    351. Matthew Kolln, US
    352. Maureen North, US
    353. Maximillian Alvarez, The Real News Network, US
    354. Maya Lehrer, US
    355. Meryle A. Korn, Public Broadcasting, US
    356. Micah Fong, Breakthrough News, US
    357. Michael Anderson, FightBack! News, US
    358. Michael Blosser, Labor Researcher, Treasurer United Union Professionals (UUP), US
    359. Mike Prysner, The Empire Files, US
    360. Mike, Education, US
    361. Minahil Khan, Apogee Journal; Common Notions Press, US
    362. Mirah Wood, DSA International Committee, USA
    363. Miya Tada, US
    364. Mohammad Faisal Ahmad, US
    365. Mona Chopra, US
    366. Natalia Campos, US
    367. Natalia Marques, Peoples Dispatch, US
    368. Nathan Gibbs, US
    369. National Lawyers Guild International, US
    370. Nick Estes, Red Media, US
    371. Patricia Gorky, US
    372. Patricia Heny, US
    373. Patricia Mann, US
    374. Patrick McWilliams, Liberation News, US
    375. Phoebe, US
    376. Quynh Nguyen, US
    377. Rachel Domond, Liberation News, US
    378. Raj Patel, US
    379. Riad Abdel-Gawad, Musician, US
    380. Riley Petro, US
    381. Robert A. Moses, US
    382. Roger Harris, Task Force on the Americas, US
    383. Ron Joseph, US
    384. Ryan Baka, US
    385. Ryan Hamby, The People’s Forum, US
    386. Ryan Kidwiler, US
    387. Saidi Moseley, US
    388. Sam Schaefer, US
    389. Sam Weisman, US
    390. Samantha Agarwal, American University, US
    391. Sameena Rahman, US
    392. Sammi Mathew, US
    393. Santos Hernandez, US
    394. Sarah Brummet, US
    395. Sarah Bryski-Hamrick, US
    396. Satya Mohapatra, US
    397. Sean Blackmon, By Any Means Necessary, US
    398. Shana Nicholson, US
    399. Sharon, US
    400. Sheila Xiao, US
    401. shenby g, artist, US
    402. Silvio Rodrigues, US
    403. Sophia Massie, US
    404. Srinivas Vemuri, US
    405. Stephanie Trasoff, US
    406. Steve Gillis, workers.org Workers World newspaper, US
    407. Steve Goodman, US
    408. Steve Wise, US
    409. Steven Berge, US
    410. Steven Riley, US
    411. Suzanne Adely, US
    412. Tahia Islam, US
    413. Terra Collier, US
    414. Tim Johnson, US
    415. Tom Lux, US
    416. Tonny Algood, US
    417. Ujju Aggarwal, US
    418. Ujwala, US
    419. Verdi Feltman, US
    420. Vipulya Chari, US
    421. Vivek Venkatraman, artist, US
    422. Walter Smolarek, Liberation News, US
    423. Will Kohr, US
    424. William I Robinson, University of California at Santa Barbara, US
    425. William S. Gottlieb, US
    426. William Whiteman, Albuquerque Teachers Federation AFT Local 1420, US
    427. Winchellyn Sy, US
    428. Zach Farber, Liberation News, US
    429. Zoe Alexandra, Peoples Dispatch, US
    430. Carlos Molinares, Venezuela
    431. Florangel Valdez, Venezuela
    432. Giuliano, independent journalist, Venezuela
    433. Laura Franco, Instituto Simón Bolívar, Venezuela
    434. Luis Alfredo Mancera Pérez, Universidad Nacional Experimental de las Artes, Venezuela
    435. Maribel Rosario, Defensoría Universitaria, Venezuela
    436. Zabdiela, LSB, Venezuela
    437. ALBA Movimientos
    438. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
    439. Activist News Network

This list was updated on the morning of Friday October 6.