The death toll in Gaza is approaching 27,000, while the number of those injured has also increased to at least 65,636, as Israeli aerial bombardment and ground assaults continue across the entire Palestinian territory

Last year, the AU gave Israel a major diplomatic victory by granting it observer status, a decision which was condemned by member countries
The report claims that Israel is not only implementing apartheid policies against Palestinians in the occupied territories, but many of its other laws and policies targeting Palestinian citizens of Israel and Palestinian refugees and expatriates are also ultimately aimed at maintaining Jewish supremacy

Esteemed resistance leader Al-Haj Suliman al-Hathalin died after a tow truck accompanied by Israeli forces ran over him and drove away while carrying out a raid

Following mass protests and international pressure, Israeli authorities confirmed that Abu Hawwash’s administrative detention order would not be renewed and that he would be released in February

The damning new report found that in 70% of the airstrikes that killed civilians, no corresponding ‘militants’ or ‘military targets’ were found to have been killed

Rooney rejected an Israeli publisher’s offer to release a Hebrew version of her book. The publishing house in question, Modan, is well known for its ties to the Israel military

A number of journalists critical of the government have been arrested and sentenced to prison terms. Algeria’s rank in the World Press Freedom rankings published annually by Reporters Without Borders has also slipped to 146 out of 180 countries, down 27 places since 2015

Israel often blocks the fishing zone, driving thousands of Palestinians dependent on it for their livelihood and food using the pretexts of rocket attacks

Israeli authorities justified the demolitions citing lack of Israeli building permits. They also confiscated scores of Palestinian-owned assets, including cars, tractors, water generators and solar panels

The report by the Human Rights Watch exposes the lack of accountability for the extreme acts of torture, as well as the complicity of the Saudi legal and other institutions in covering up and enabling these human rights violations to continue unabated

Following news of Banat’s death, thousands of Palestinians took part in demonstrations in Ramallah in the occupied West Bank. His family has accused PA security forces of beating him to death while he was in their custody and withholding his body several hours after his death