La mayoría de los países del Sur Global se encuentran en un punto intermedio entre sufrimiento económico, peligros y decisiones difíciles. Liberarse del poder occidental será doloroso, pero ya no parece imposible
Most countries in the Global South are in the in-between of economic suffering, perils, and difficult decisions. Extricating themselves from Western power will be painful, but no longer appears impossible
Until recently, the global economy accepted the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency and the currency of international transactions. But as the world becomes increasingly multipolar, how stable is the dollar’s hegemony?
After mass graves full of Indigenous children have been found, how can Canada justify ongoing land theft?
Among the academics pushing hard for regime change in Venezuela is Ricardo Hausmann, now an adviser to Juan Guaido, who has “already drafted a plan to rebuild the nation, from economy to energy.”