The US maintains that it is Hamas that is standing in the way of a ceasefire and peace, but it is the US that continues to enable Israel to carry out genocide even after establishing “red lines”
Türkiye is under significant pressure from the US and Israel to block the flotilla from setting sail and achieving its objective of delivering aid and breaking the blockade
If we hope to celebrate another holiday season, we have to find a way to bring all sides to the negotiating table. May peace prevail in 2023!
If the US government wants to play a constructive role in Ukraine, it should support an already existing framework for a solution to the crisis
In country after country around the world, people are rising up to challenge entrenched, failing neoliberal political and economic systems, with mixed but sometimes promising results.
The only hope for the future is to abandon the futile quest for hegemony and instead commit to peace, cooperative diplomacy, international law, and disarmament.
The United States spent $2.26 trillion on its war in Afghanistan and about $1.5 trillion, went to military spending to maintain the US military occupation
In their frenzy over the protests in Cuba, US media and politicians have systematically overlooked the role played by US foreign policy in creating the difficult economic and social conditions on the island
On the foreign policy front, Castillo’s victory will represent a huge blow to US interests in the region and an important step towards reactivating Latin American integration.
Medea Benjamin and Leonardo Flores criticize the decision of the Trump administration to include Cuba on the list of countries that “sponsor terrorism”
Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J S Davies compare the responses to COVID-19 across the world and how the pandemic impacts US hegemony
17 years after the US-led invasion of Iraq, the consequences have lived up to the fears of all who opposed it. Millions of Iraqis were killed or wounded and millions more were displaced